Perilous Plaster Pieces (Poem)

by jcmundy
8 years ago
Egad! Hey guess what! A picture of me! Brace yourself for my poetic story.

Egad! Hey guess what! A picture of me!
Brace yourself for my poetic story.

Sometime before, I had encountered you.
I remember the years; it was just two.
But now trouble you bring me, my great foe.
Oh, here in Samothrace, you mock me so!

Let's take a look at plaster; it's so fun! Now you get to peek at the work we've done...

Let’s take a look at plaster; it’s so fun!
Now you get to peek at the work we’ve done…

Many fragments there are, much work to do.
The colors, you ask? White, red, pink and blue.
White and blue (with a little red as well)
Are found on the topcoat; there they do dwell.
Some backings exist, but first you must think
Of what hue they are, either white or pink.

Red, white, and blue are plasters that I see. Each fragment special and priceless to me.

Red, white, and blue are plasters that I see.
Each fragment special and priceless to me.

Architectural features also live
On the plasters’ faces; answers they give.
Cavetto and cyma and ovolo,
Numerous moldings to look at and know.
Confusing perhaps, but alas, truth calls,
Be prepared, for I shall build Nike’s walls!

This is an ovolo, a monstrous force. But where does it go? Pin it on a course!

This is an ovolo, a monstrous force.
But where does it go? Pin it on a course!

And you, oh lion, I have a small doubt;
Help! Are you a functional water spout?
Maybe I made a fantastic mistake?
In reality, you may be a fake!
The more that I learn, more questions soar.
One day, King Simba, I’ll hear your great roar.

Plaster lion - an intellectual scare. It's hard to fathom. Enemies, beware!

Plaster lion – an intellectual scare.
It’s hard to fathom. Enemies, beware!

We learned a lot, our knowledge superior
It’s time to finalize this interior.
The finish, I see, is within my sight.
If I fail? Bonna won’t feed me tonight!

Queen Bonna rules with her helper, Abi. What'll they make for dinner? Something yummy!

Queen Bonna rules with her helper, Abi.
What’ll they make for dinner? Something yummy!

(Thanks to Madeleine and architect Chase,
Whose aid helped create Nike’s wondrous space.
Also to Bonna and to her big brain
Of which without we would all go insane.)

Here Madeleine sketches a plaster piece. She gets more tired as fragments increase.

Here Madeleine sketches a plaster piece.
She gets more tired as fragments increase.